The YOK-Garden in June

Sunshine, twittering of birds in the morning, red currants, the smell of elderflowers, strawberry jam, grilling on the balcony!

In June Ms Aitch and Mr El harvested the fava beans. It was the first time that Ms Aitch was planting them and they harvested over a kilo. Next year Ms Aitch will plant more of them. Two of four cucumber plants feel so good that Ms Aitch may pickling lots of them. From the red currant bush they harvested 300g, the blackbird has stolen the other 200g.

Ms Aitch and Mr El share their garden with a family of great tits and sparrows, a blackcap, a pair of wood pigeon and lots of blackbirds. The lavender is in full bloom so you can see many wild bees, especially bumblebees. There are a lot of aphids but the ladybugs keep them under control. A cabbage white butterfly is fluttering around the garden.

The strawberry plants and the tomato plants are promising a heavy crop. The runner beans are overgrowing everything so there will be a lot of bean salad. In May the gooseberry tree was dying overnight on half side so the crop isn't high this year. At the moment the lemon tree is in full bloom, the smell is unbelievable. Hopefully there will grow some fruits. 

yok garden
lemon tree

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