
"Fortunately Giovanni stays in Italy", Ms Aitch is relieved. Giovanni is so finicky! Last week they became witness of his rage attack: Mr El showed him how to make ricotta cheese in Ye Olde Kitchen. The production isn't original Italian style. That doesn't make sense to him. He is speaking very loud and fast and almost entirely in Italian. Also with arms flailing. Ms Aitch is afraid about her inventory. She is trying to get everything out of his way and pours an original italian red wine in a big glass. The only way to calm down their Italian friend is to drink a lot of Italian red wine with him.

The recipe of the malfatti isn't original Italian, but Ms Aitch and Mr El want to get in the mood for their holiday in South Tyrol. There you have to eat a lot of sweet and salty dumplings. Of course you can buy the ricotta cheese but homemade ricotta tastes twice as good.



For 2-3 persons:

400g fresh spinach

1 glove of garlic

150g ricotta

1 egg

6-7 tbsp flour

50g grounded parmesan cheese

salt and pepper

1 pinch of nutmeg


Wash, clean and coarsely chop the spinach. Heat olive oil in a pan and add the mashed glove of garlic. Add the spinach and sauté for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Finely chop the spinach and mix it in a bowl with ricotta, parmesan cheese and egg. Add flour until firm dough. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Bring a pot of water to boil, add salt and reduce heat. Form balls with moistened hands and put into the pot. The malfatti are ready to eat when they come up to the surface. Remove them carefully with a skimmer.

You can serve the malfatti with tomato sauce or with melted butter and grounded parmesan cheese.

Malfatti Zutaten
Malfatti Teig
Malfatti recipe
Malfatti Rezept

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  • Miriam


    Könnte man die Malfatti in kleinerer Form auch als Suppen-Einlage machen?

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Liebe Miriam, das ist mal eine super Idee und müsste klappen. Am besten kochst du sie in einem extra Topf ab und gibst sie dann erst zur Suppe.
      Viele Grüße

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