Apple and horseradish soup

In Germany you can find some extraordinary museums. There is a map in the journal Zeitmagazin, which shows the different museums. You can find a museum for taxes and finances, a museum for bananas or a museums for paper cuttings.

Even there is a horseradish museum. What's going on there inside?

In autumn the horseradish harvest begins and fortunately apple season is also here. Think of boiled meat with "Apfelkren" (apple sauce with horseradish)! It's a winning combination! And it's the absolutely winning combination together in a soup. A thick slice of bread with butter, that's all it takes.



For 2 persons:

1 shallot

1 tbsp butter

2 apples

100ml dry white wine

100ml unfiltered apple juice

400ml vegetable broth

150ml cream

50-100g fresh horseradish

salt and pepper


Quarter the apples, remove the cores and dice. Peel the shallot, cut into pieces and roast with butter in a pot. Add the apple pieces and let sweat slightly. Deglaze with white wine and let it boil down a little.

Then pour the apple juice and the broth and let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile finely grind the horseradish.

Add cream and horseradish and simmer shortly. Remove the soup from the cooker and mix it with the hand blender until smooth. Finally season with salt and pepper.

Apfel Meerrettich Suppe

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  • Hallo Eva, hallo Philipp,
    da ich definitiv nicht zu den Suppenkaspern gehören, bin ich überaus angetan von Eurer leckeren Meerrettich-Suppe. Schade, führt doch der Meerrettich häufig ein karges Leben in vielen Küchen - unsere Ahnen schätzten sehr seine Inhaltsstoffe als Heilbrunnen für den Körper. Vielen Dank für das köstliche Rezept.
    Liebe Grüße Sigrid

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Liebe Sigrid,
      ich habe Meerrettich lange Zeit verschmäht, warum weiß ich gar nicht mehr so genau. Mittlerweile liegt immer ein frischer Meerrettich in unserem Gemüsefach. Wir verwenden ihn auch immer gern in Salatsoßen.
      Liebe Grüße, Eva

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