Carrot hummus

Ms Aitch and Mr El like to make plans. Plans for the holidays, for cooking and baking, for their life. They make plans best while they are sitting on the balcony with a good glas of wine and lots of finger food - it takes long, sometimes until deep in the night.

For making good plans you need some bread, lots of little snacks and this delicious carrot hummus.

So make plans! Be optimistic, be creative! And eat carrot hummus!

carrot hummus


6-8 carrots

2 tbsp honey

3 tbsp sesame seeds

salt and pepper

1 handful of coriander leaves

1 slice of ginger

2-3 tbsp sesame oil

juice from 1/2 lime

1 tsp black cumin seeds

1/2 tsp chili flakes


Coarsely chop the carrots and mix with honey, sesame seeds, salt and pepper. Put the carrots on a baking tray and roast for about 30 minutes in the oven by 180°C. Make sure of turning from time to time. Let the carrots cool down.

Chop a handful of coriander leaves and the slice of ginger. Add carrots, ginger, coriander leaves, sesame oil and lime juice in a food processor and mix until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with chili flakes and black cumin seeds.

carrots with sesame seeds
hummus with carrots

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  • yeoldekitchen


    Probiere es aus Ch. S., es lohnt sich! Grüße aus Ye Olde Kitchen, Eva

  • Ch.S.


    Hmmm, lecker - das ist wirklich mal was anderes!

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