Lemon balm and ginger syrup

Ms Aitch often makes syrup. Just add cold soda or water and fill up with ice-cubes and you get a refreshing drink. Especially on hot days. Mr El doesn't like syrup very much as he prefers just pure water without any other ingredients.

But he found one ingredient to add to the lemon balm and ginger sirup in oder to be able to drink it: gin! Just put 2 or bestter 4 cl, the syrup and ice into a glas. Fill up with cold soda. That's it. And when he had two or three of those he may be able to drink the syrup without gin. May.

sirup ginger+lemon balm


For about 750ml:

3-4 twigs of lemon balm

1 walnut-size piece of ginger

juice of 1 lemon

300g sugar


Put the lemon balm completely with stems in a big jar. Peel and chop the ginger in slices. Mix sugar, ginger and about 750ml water and boil to the heat until dissolve. Pour the sugar solution in the jar, add the lemon juice and let it brew for about 3-4 days.

Strain the syrup through a fine sieve, bring to the boil again and fill the syrup into sterilized bottles.

sirup melisse+ingwer
melisse sirup

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