The YOK-Garden in July

Hot, hotter, the YOK-Garden in July.

The tomatoes like the hot weather and they taste delicious. The other plants are still waiting for the rain. But there isn't any rain. You can find Ms Aitch on the balcony with the watering can. 

Because of the heat the peppers and eggplants drop the blossoms but the bay tree and the lemon tree grow best. The carrots and the beetroots which Ms Aitch sowed in April are still very small. Ms Aitch and Mr El are waiting for the first harvest of their potatoes, perhaps they pick them in August. 

In the evening when the sun goes down Ms Aitch and Mr El stroll trough the neighborhood and search for new garden inspirations. Have a look at those beautiful gardens from Anja, Silvia and Xenia. They do a great job.


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