Pasta with fava beans
- 26. Jun 2015
Fava beans also known as field beans, broad beans, bell beans,...: Why you should get them only in an Italian shop or perhaps you can find them sometimes on the market? We take matters into our own hands, Ms Aitch was thinking and in March she planted about 40 fava beans.
In the middle of April Ms Aitch put 6-8 plants in bigger flower pots together and placed them on the balcony. The fava beans grow fast and you have to support them with sticks. In our YOK-Garden they grew about 1 meter high. If you put them into open land they could grow any higher. You have to water them well. The flowers grow from the leaf axils and you can think of a centennial crop when you see them blooming. But only 1-3 beans in each axil are coming out.
Ms Aitch harvested about 1,3 kilo and is very happy with it. Next year there will be more space for the fava beans.
With the fava beans Ms Aitch and Mr El made this delicious pasta and also they put them on slices of bread with homemade ricotta.

For 4 persons:
500g pasta (without egg)
400g fava beans (without shells)
200g peas (without shells)
salt and pepper
chili flakes
For the parsley pesto:
1 bunch of parsley
1 handful of cashew nuts
5 tbsp safflower oil
juice and zests of 1/2 lemon
Cook the beans in boiling water for about 5-7 minutes, rinse with cold water and peel. For the pesto coarsely chop the parsley and mash together with cashew nuts, lemon zests and safflower oil in a blender. Season with salt and lemon juice. Cook the pasta.
Sear the peas and the beans with oil and season with salt, pepper and chili flakes. Drain the pasta and mix with the pesto. Put the pasta onto plates and add the peas and beans.
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Liebe Eva,
wieder mal eins von Euren tollen Rezepten mit einer besonderen Gemüsesorte, vielen Dank. Dicke Bohnen hatte ich vor vielen Jahren auch mal im Garten und ich finde sie ausgesprochen wohlschmeckend, leider finde ich sie außer im Tiefkühlfach kaum im Handel. Ich muss mal wieder Ausschau danach halten.
Liebe Grüße Sigrid
Eva-Maria Hoffleit
Liebe Sigrid,
ja die dicken Bohnen mögen wir sehr und da wir sie selten bekommen, bauen wir sie einfach selbst an. Zwar ernten wir nur um die 1,5kg, aber immerhin. Im italienischen Feinkostladen finden wir sie manchmal und schlagen dann immer gleich zu.
Ein sommerliches Wochenende für euch!
Liebe Grüße, Eva
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