Risotto with preserved lemons

Sometimes, I rather like noise. The testosterone-fuelled roar of a football match heard from my back garden; the tired and blissfully happy sounds of a crowd singing along at a festival; the swoosh of a barista’s steam wand. But most times I prefer peace and quiet. The sound of snow falling in a forest is more my style – something I have yet to hear this year.

There is quiet food, too. The tastes of peace and quiet, of gentleness and calm.

- Nigel Slater: The Kitchen Diaries II -


Oh Nigel, poet of all kitchens and gardens! You have enchanted me, inspired me, taught me and made me hungry a few times. I prefer peace and quiet too, the quiet tones, simple dishes. So today i'm stirring my risotto with a blissful smile dreaming about the coming of spring.

If you like gardening, cooking and simple dishes have a look at Nigel Slater's books. It helps to survive the rainy days when you can't work in the garden. 



For 2 hungry people:

1 onion

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp butter

1,5 cups of risotto rice

2 tbsp white wine vinegar

4 tbsp white wine

2-4 eighths preserved lemons

1-2 tsp juice of preserved lemons

100g Parmesan cheese

2 tsp lemon zest



Finely chop the onion and sweat with butter and olive oil in a pot until glassy, add the rice and braise lightly. Deglaze with vinegar and wine. Pour lukewarm water again and again until the rice is covered. Chop the preserved lemons and put into the pot. Let the risotto simmer for about 20-25 minutes while stirring constantly on low heat. If you want add 1-2 tsp lemon thyme.

Meanwhile grate the parmesan cheese. If the risotto is ready season with pepper and the juice of preserved lemons and add the half of the parmesan cheese. 

Put the risotto onto plates and sprinkle with parmesan cheese and lemon zest.

risotto with preserved lemons

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  • Karin


    Oooh, wie schön - ein Risotto mit Salzzitrone. Mein Mann und ich sind regelrecht süchtig nach den aromatischen Kerlchen!

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Ui dann wird euch das Risotto bestimmt schmecken! Wir haben auch immer mehrere Gläser Salzzitronen auf Lager.
      Liebe Grüße
      Eva und Philipp

  • Caro


    Verdammt, ich habe seit über einem Jahr! eine Packung Risottoreis in meiner Reis und Hülsenfrüchte Schublade liegen... Und jedes Mal wenn ich ein Risotto sehe, denke ich mir: Verdammt! Es wird endlich mal Zeit! Ich druck mir das jetzt aus und wenn die indische(n) Woche(n) vorbei sind, koche ich auch das endlich mal!

    LG Caro

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Hihi Caro das Problem kennen wir nur zu gut. Du glaubst nicht, wie hoch der Stapel mit ausgedruckten Rezepten bei uns ist ;-)
      Liebe Grüße aus Ye Olde Kitchen, Eva

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