Autumn couscous salad with pumpkin, porcini and pear

The autumn blues. Unexpectedly the feeling comes over yourself. You just strolled through the world in a golden light, you were pleased about the yellow and red leaves, gathered chestnuts and ate the first pumpkin soup of the season. 

Then everything turns grey. Dark, cold and wet. It's hard to get up in the morning. You freeze and get wet feet because you don't want to take your winter shoes out of the cellar. Somehow the world is hollow, wrapped in fog patches. 

The only solution is candle light, autumn decoration and some autumn colours on your plate. This couscous salad is composed of the best what's in season. The smell of pumpkin and thyme let the autumn blues disappear. Accompanied by a glas of wine, perhaps a muscatel - superb.



For 2 persons:

200g Couscous

1/2 tsp Couscous - YOK-blend of spices

1 tsp salty vegetables

1/2 tsp paprika powder

1 shallot

1 clove of garlic

1 little butternut

1-2 tbsp olive oil

2-3 twigs of thyme

2 pears

1 handful of walnuts

1 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp butter

50g gorgonzola

50g porcini




Preheat the oven to 180° (circulating air). Peel and core the butternut and cut into slices. Put onto a baking tray covered with baking parchment. Peel the garlic and shallot, quarter and spread with thyme onto the pumpkin slices. Sprinkle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake on the middle rack until smooth.

Put the couscous into a bowl, add the spices and pour 200ml boiling water. Stir well and let it soak for about 10 minutes.

Quater and core the pears. Put 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp sugar in a pan and let it caramelize. Add pears and walnuts and roast until golden brown.

Cut the gorgonzola into pieces. Clean the porcini, cut into slices and roast with 1 tbsp butter.

Spread the couscous onto plates and serve with pumpkin, pears, walnuts, gorgonzola and porcini around it. If you like sprinkle with pepper and chopped parsley.

Couscous with pumpkin
Couscous mit Kuerbis

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  • Tine


    Also das Kürbisrezept findet auf jeden Fall auch den Weg in meine Küche :-) Hört sich super lecker an :-)
    Ganz liebe Grüße TIne

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Vielen Dank liebe Tine! Das Rezept ist auch echt lecker, versprochen ;-) ! Und Couscoussalat ist eh immer eine gute Idee!
      Liebe Grüße aus Fellbach, Eva

  • Susi


    Guten Abend!

    Eure Bilder machen wirklich Lust auf Herbst! Alles Gute dieser Jahreszeit beisammen und dazu ein sehr lecker klingendes Rezept! Vielen Dank dafür! Liebe Grüße! Susi

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Liebe Susi,
      wir freuen uns, wenn es euch gefällt! Liebe Grüße aus Ye Olde Kitchen, Eva und Philipp

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