Red onion relish

Ms Aitch cooks a relish - with little pieces. First she thought that she is cooking a chutney but in a chutney there isn't any little piece in it.

In this recipe you sauté the onions slowly so that their complex aroma may unfold. Best you eat the relish warm with a cheese platter, to a good piece of meat or on a Maultaschen burger.


zwiebel relish


For about 500ml:

1kg red onions

2 tbsp olive oil

150g cane sugar

150ml red wine

50ml red port wine

100ml Balsamico vinegar

salt and pepper


Peel the onions, divide in half and cut into thin strips. Sauté the onions in olive oil in a pan for about 10 minutes until soft. Add the sugar and let caramelize. 

Deglaze with red wine, port and vinegar and preserve for about 30 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Put the hot relish into sterilized jars for preserving and store cold and dark.

rote zwiebeln
Relish red onions
zwiebeln karamellisieren
Rote Zwiebel Marmelade

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  • yeoldekitchen


    Du bist unermüdlich Kris! We love it! Und Mangoldsalat hört sich super lecker an, das wird gleich mal notiert. Grüße aus Ye Olde Kitchen, Eva

  • Kristina


    Das gabs bei mir gestern warm als Topping zum Mangold-Salat mit Portweindressing. Bei nächster Gelegenheit kommt das kiloweise in Einmachgläser!

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