The YOK-Garden in August and September

The YOK-Garden survived the heat wave unscathed and is growing rampantly. Ms Aitch and Mr El didn't spend lots of time on their garden because of lack of time and the heat. They detest the heat.

Now in late September autumn has already come to the YOK-Garden. The most sunflowers are faded - goldfinches, sparrows, great tits and Eurasian blue tits are pleased with it because Ms Aitch doesn't cut the faded plants down so the birds have enough to eat.

If you stroll through the YOK-Garden you can find some little aromatic strawberries or pick the last cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. Within the next days Ms Aitch has to save and dry seeds and make pesto with all the basil even before the first cold nights come. She dried the herbs already and made some herb salt. Perhaps she should try to sow some lamb's lettuce?!

YOKGarten August2
YOKGarten August1
YOKGarten August3
Astern August
Bohnen August
Erdbeeren August
Tomaten August
Sonnenblume August
YOK Garden in September
faded sunflower
erdbeeren im herbst
cherry tomatoes

Wollt ihr noch mehr?


The crop year 2015

It was a good year....

make herb salt

To preserve herbs

Before Ms Aitch and Mr El go on holiday they have to preserve the herbs from their YOK-Garden. ...

YOKGarten November Aster

The YOK-Garden in November

November was warm like spring and way too short. In YOK-Garden the plants are still growing...


  • Daniel


    ... es wird wirklich Zeit, dass der Sommer bald zurück kommt :-)

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Ohja definitiv, aber der Frühling darf ruhig davor noch ran ;-)

  • Sara


    Ein wunderschöner Balkongarten!!!!

  • Ye Olde Kitchen


    Danke für das Kompliment liebe Silvia - und das vom Garten Fräulein!!
    Liebe Grüße, Eva

  • Garten Fräulein


    Wow, ich bin sprachlos! Was für ein Balkongarten - fast schon ein essbarer Dschungel :-)

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