Wild garlic pesto

First we mix a big jar of wild garlic pesto and think about some tasty recipes later.




For a very big jar:

400g wild garlic

6 tbsp nuts (we: hazelnuts and cashews)

1 tbsp coarse sea salt

100ml oil (we: peanut oil)



Coarsely chop the wild garlic. Put all ingredients in a mixer and mix until smooth. Add more oil if it's too tight.

If you don't use the pesto right now you have to put it into a rinsed jar and cover with oil.


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  • Berliner Küche


    Ich liebe Bärlauchpesto! Ich bin schon gespannt, was du damit anstellen wirst. :)

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Bald folgen ein paar bärlauchige Rezepte. Bin gespannt, ob sie dir gefallen.
      Viele Grüße, Eva

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