YOK in jar

We are beginners of conserving and now in our second training year.

To conserve means to us be free and get adventuresome. We don't need professional equipment or exact recipes. We collect screw-top jars and bottles. We don't boil the jars, we only rinse them out with boiling water. Into the caps we give some vodka. 

We fill jams and pickled vegetables into jars when they come hot out of the cooking pot and close them immediately. Sometimes something goes wrong because we don't use a jar funnel or we add to little sugar. Last year the tomato sauce got moldy so this year we freezed it. 

If you have to preserve something the "right" way fill water into a deep baking tray, place some kitchen paper and put the jars onto the tray. They must not touch each other. Put into the oven (200°C top/bottom heat) and wait until you see bubbles in the jars. Turn off and let cool down in the opened oven.

As you can see we are improvising but it works. It don't always goes well so now we have two glasses of quince jelly hard as stone and four glasses of too liquid jelly in a second test. But both variants will do a good job in our red cabbage this winter.

We make small quantities (2-4 glasses per each sort) so we have as much diversity as possible. And this is what you can find into our store cupboard:


sour: gherkins, carrots, white radish, beetroot, green beans, summer vegetables

sweet-sour: radishes, white radish, Geißhirtle ( swabian pears), gherkins, pumpkin

fermented: sauerkraut, white radish

sauce: spiced ketchup, ajvar, red onion relish

jam: strawberry, strawberry-elderflower, rhubarb, cherry, apricot, mirabelles, greengages, plums

jelly: redcurrant, quinces

sirup: elderflower, lemon balm, lemon balm and ginger, rhubarb, lovage


Fortunately we have a lot of recipients who take some glasses before our cupboard is bursting. Next year we want to try some more. Definitely we'll make the strawberry-elderflower jam again and we will make elderberry jelly. Also we have to try more with fermentation and make kimchi.

We look forward to what we will have in our store cupboard next year and now we use the winter season to collect new recipe ideas and eat our jams and pickles.


YOKimGlas saure Gurken
Hokkaido YOKimGlas
YOKimGlas HonigSenfGurken
YOKimGlas Rettich
YOKimGlas Sommergemuese
YOK im Glas
YOKimGlas rote Beete
YOKimGlas Gewuerzgurken

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  • HerrHa


    Liebe Frau Namensvetterin,

    Kochen Sie auch Kürbis ein bzw. haben Sie das schonmal ausprobiert?
    Was mache ich denn mit Obst, wenn ich keinen Brei kochen will?

    • Ye Olde Kitchen


      Mein liebster Herr Ha,
      wir kochen hier so ziemlich alles ein ;-) Ein Rezept für süß-sauren Hokkaido wird nächste Woche online gehen. Ich hoffe, Sie können sich bis dahin noch gedulden. Falls nicht, einfach Bescheid geben, dann gibts das Rezept per Mail.
      Aus Obst machen wir Marmelade, Mus, Likör, Chutneys oder ab in den Kuchen damit. Über welche Obstsorte reden wir?
      Liebe Grüße aus Ye Olde Kitchen, Frau Ha

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