Ye Olde Kitchen » Rezepte im Sommer


Green gazpacho

Ms Aitch and Mr El wanted to learn Spanish - for a long long time...

kohlrabi carrot tarte

Rye tart with chard, carrots and kohlrabi

The best in Ye Olde Kitchen is mostly a result of leftovers. Ms Aitch and Mr El combine...

sirup ginger+lemon balm

Lemon balm and ginger syrup

Ms Aitch often makes syrup. Just add cold soda or water and fill up with ice-cubes and you get a...

carrot hummus

Carrot hummus

Ms Aitch and Mr El like to make plans. Plans for the holidays, for cooking and baking, for their...

Reissalat mit Gurke Erbsen und Feta

Rice salad with cucumber, peas and feta cheese

Ms Aitch has to learn how to arrange meals. On her plate there is a mess....


The YOK-Garden in June

Sunshine, twittering of birds in the morning, red currants, the smell of elderflowers,...


Pasta with fava beans

Fava beans also known as field beans, broad beans, bell beans...

burger recipe


The current world record for eating burgers in 3 minutes is held by Takeru Kobayashi. He ate 10...